Sunday, May 9, 2010

India is ahead of the World ..

Did you start guessing..on what India is ahead of the world..! Guessing it right, the population!
But I am not just talking about population, but something related to demographic ethnicity.

The vulnerability in defending the multiple invasions since the rise and falls of various cultures, civilizations and religions gave ways out for the worst. Be it the compromises, politics of obligations, greed, lust, selfishness, revenges or be the greatest values of self sacrifices, self less loyalties, honesty, faithfulness, truth and self respect. Indians have seen them all, done them all, lived them all, Indians have arrived..not one time but each time when there were revolutions..changes..adversities animosities..
Here religions have evolved, risen and fallen.. Values have been respected and same values are disrespected too.. Kings became servants and the servants the Kings..Many kingdoms were built by great causes, miracles and perished by petty politics and greed..Indians have seen merits becoming demerits and vice versa with time..Every generation assumed themselves as modern with their thoughts.. kept changing with time..sometimes bringing back the same old values which were abondened by their immediate previous race.. but practiced by long gone forefathers..
Why it happens only in India the native Indian civilians.. not to chinese, arabs and europeans..? But might happen after few generations away.. The next in the line are Americans and European... very distantly or never so for chinese and arabs..
The reason that I substantiate is the multiple ethinicity with exactly opposite cultural values..!
Every small group of ethnicity with different cultural values tend to differentiate themselves from others ...with self-assumed cultural and intellectual superiority over the rest.. No where else in World could be so diversified religions and culral ethnicity under the same nationality..may be that does not last longer..

The lands of Australia, America and Europe shall see the same impact.. the differences will however exist.. because these lands are attractive for migrants from various parts of the World.. unlike India where invaders made their settlement.. But multiple ethinicity is the reality in the years to come and so do the banes of diversification..the self assumed differentiations leading to descriminations and favouritisms ..and many more enemies of harmony.

Every ugly face of politics, diminishing values and ethnical clashes in India will be the
reality in these lands in the distant future.. They need to see their demographic mix and the resultant impacts of that, from India.. The races that are spared could be Chinese and Arabs..
why so..? Their lands could not host other cultures.. They are not vulnarable for attacks..It is impossible to even think of being an equal race in those lands...!
What do we Indians need..? We badly need a reason to think united..Something more serious than cricket ..something that equally burns each of our hearts in the equal intensities.. at least at this point of time...before it is the time where we call ourselves..the Indians of earstwhile..united Republic of India...!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,great to read your posts...keep them coming. All the very best
