Thursday, May 1, 2014

UBUNTU - a philosophy for team work

I was aware of Ubuntu as open source technology much before I fancied the philosophical meaning of it.

I believe this is great mantra for team work. Those who worked on critical team projects may very well understanding it.
"I am, because all of us are". As a team member, one contributes on various parts of project to the best of skills. A perfect team must have each team member thinking like this.

Kids make perfect team members than adults. This was my finding after I coordinated a cookery competition. There was a team of children along with team of ladies in the competition. The children's team won the event. I had to take a winning team representative on to stage for announcement. I asked the eldest looking girl from the team to walk along. She grinned big and said "everybody won. So we all come" ...hmm...I had to agree.

Believe ubuntu. Say thanks to the society irrespective of whatever. These influences are subtle & big.

Wishful thinking...
Willful actions..
Collective results..

Tarka - Logic

As a kid I read the story of Shyamantaka Mani in Amarchithra Katha story books. That meant only a story then

Some stories don't leave us. Over the years, when I was exploring for earliest evidences of logical thinking- the story reverted in mind. The Lord Krishna goes to the route of an incidence to find out the truth -over an allegation of assassination against Him.

-The Prince goes for hunting
-Sign of fight between Prince & Lion
-Lions foot marks
-Dead Lion
-Sign of fight
-Bear's footmark
-Tracing the Bear
-Defeat the bear
-Recover the Gem

The detectives & lawyers do this often. Because they are not present in crime scene. The logical thinking leads to the nearest of truth.

Now look at the logic sequencing done by the Lord himself;
-Prince & Gem are missing
-Gem was last seen with Prince
-Trace the Prince->Trace the Gem
-Prince gone for hunting
-Fight scene --> no footmark of Prince returning--So Prince is probably dead
-Lion's footmark seen
-Lion's dead--> So Lion is killed--> by whom? find a clue-
-Bear's footmark in the vicinity
-Trace the bear ->trace the GEM

While synthesizing each instance, first identify number of probabilities then select the most logical one. Eliminate the rest. Synthesize sequences again..identify number of probabilities...then select..eliminate..

Logical synthesizing is effective only so long as we are able to arrive every possible occurence and not otherwise. It can be practiced. Now take a process and build all possible logical sequences around it...Well...playing a game of chess is better..!

one end attained by any of several means..!

Yag --Yajur - Vidhi - Vidhana - Japah --Tapah-- prarthana --keerthana ==>> Devine Blessing

There are various ways to appease almighty. It can be one and all of the above. The nature's message is clear. It does not say there is only one way to reach an end. There are several. Nature says dont limit the means. The means should be peaceful, right for self & right for rest of the nature's creation.

If ultimate blessings can be achieved in many ways, same applies to life's common goals too? That is nature's message.

Let us find new means every day - so long as they are right & acceptable, we have contributed a new discovery to this world!