Thursday, July 18, 2024

Parenting tips for NRIs

 Elli manakalukirado ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಮನಕಳುಕಿರದೊ( M N Kamath, translation from Geetanjali) (

The song “Elli Manakalukirado” is a translation from Rabindranath Tagore’s “Geetanjali.” It was translated by M. N. Kamath

The above is just a copy - paste and I dont know the lyrics of Tagore. But the translated song in Kannada is also so beautiful and perhaps better than original. My sincere thanks to the translator and singers for the melodious rendition.

This song in its first line or in the entirety talks about what is the ideal situation for confidence, creativity and progress of human beings. NRI friends or fellow Indians in India please get to awakening.

"Elli Manakalukirado" meaning where mind is not having inhibitions (fears)

"Elli Tale Bagirado" meaning where head is not down or submissive (meaning no suppression  or being in freedom)

"Elli Tilivige todaku toradihudu alli" meaning where knowledge is not hindered (where learning / skills or knowledge is not blocked for learning or available for those who seek. ex:education)

These 3 are birth rights for any child to grow in confidence. This comes only when the children learn things from their family and surroundings of the same tribe at least in the early stages of life. Please do not prevent your children from learning at least one Indian language thoroughly, allow them mingle with speakers, enable them to understand India through an Indian language and not in English. Make them read Indian books in Indian language (at least 1 we have 17 +) from Indian authors. Self pity and inferiority complex is fatal for any 0 to 15 years old. 

Just take a statistics of how many second generation NRIs are as successful as their 1st generation? less than 100%? Reason is lack of identity and self consciousness (as I may be less equal amongst natives).

Confused Desis in other countries (PIOs) struggle in various ways. They want to be white they are not, they dont want to be brown, but it cant genetically happen. (they are not arabs in gulf, do not look asians in Japan/Korea and so on..)

They are smarter than many, they dont know how to establish it, they are privileged to be from a rich heritage - they simply dont know and did not have opportunity to experience the positive side of it, all because of parents who dont teach them anything Indian - language, values or etiquette. One can be in mainstream culturally or otherwise, also being aware of his/her own roots.

sad sad sad  :(  :(   :( 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Butterfly effect and assassination attempt of Donald Trump

 There was an assassination attempt of Trump last week and immediately I received several video clips in my whatsap groups that showed the slow motion of Trumps speech - Head Movement - Gun shot events. Well.. this writing can be boring unless you heard of butterfly effect theory and how it is related here.

My pastime for any lazy day is to run through contents of personal finances and I was watching Americal rappers' riches to rags story on YT. One rapper was saying he never regretted anything out of loss of money because it was butterfly effect that gave him and his family a lot of learning. I had picked 'butterfly' from there.

Back to the assassination attempt video, while Trump was talking about statistics of illegal immigrants, he just turned his head, the very moment the bullet hit his right ear instead of passing through is skull and ending him for ever. The ban on illegal immigrants is one of his election manifestos he worked for or rather tried to implement during his first term. Needless to say, that cause just saved his life for that moment whether it saved any Americal citizen from unlawful illegal immigrant or not. So, it is always good to do things that you are convinced that it is good for long run, no matter how many oppose it. If it doesnt save others, it definitely saves you. I quote this example. A small manifesto line saving a glorious life of like a butterfly tapping its wings creating a tornedo elsewhere!!

I admire Trump as a politician for the reason that reportedly he is one POTUS who had more assets before he became the POTUS than after his 1st term. Also, for another reason for his prophetic clarity of his political view and what he would do being in a prime position - from an interview of his younger days. When money or personal ambitions are not the motive for a one's action or words, you can trust the person on face value!!

One word on the assassin - Assassin, a 20-year-old, visibly with golden hair looked like a White American, named like a White American is so short sighted like a tiger in Indian Reserved Forest that attacks the forest officer who tries to protect him from poachers just of a small fear or for his instant hunger. White Americans will lose their identify, culture and livelihood (freedom) if the liberal policy to illegal immigrants does not stop in few years. It would eventually with legal immigrants also, because demography changes anyway. But this young man is anyway a tiger of the reserved forest for sure.

We have similar such voters in India who are just so shortsighted of their lifetime and quick gains from Congress and left oriented governments that practice minority appeasement. So, there was attempt of assassination for Modi also. 

This short sighted, instant gratification motive for quick gain either in India or US will act as those trivial causes like a small butterfly wing tapped now, eventually creating totally un-expected (or uncalled for) eventualities in near to distant future. 

When future becomes history and only leftists write the history, we will have (or now have) no lessons to learn from the facts.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Naasadiya Sooktha

Srushti se pehle kuch nahi tha..

sath bhi nahi .. asath bhi nahi

Antariksh Bhi nahi.. tha Aakash bhi nahi tha..

...When I was growing up my passtime was Doordarshan.. Today I am hooked to YouTube, so choices are more. Since choices are more, I dont remember what I binge watched. Those days are like, every show that you watch, lasts as long as the grey cells do.

My quest to find truth is never ending. Dont think I am searching for purpose of life kind of stuff.. It is simple things like day to day issues and truth - lie aspects in interpersonal issues, people around me and such trivial level only. But it matters a lot for the moment. That is required to keep us going.

This world is a stage of evolution from nothingness. From nothingness to creation, from creation to beauty and bounties, from beauty and bounties it created desire and greed, from desire and greed created truth and un-truth. When the creation ends- entire evolution goes back to nothingness... like it says in Naasadiya Suuktha.

How creation goes back to nothingness? May be because of natural calamities, extinction of food, extreme weather due to our own mistakes with eco, or may be any other natural causes. If nothingness is a permanent change, then rest of the stages of evolution is temporary. Therefore next invention in spiritual world should be to find out our form or identity in nothingness. 

Now search this song in Youtube.. if you understand Hindi, it is an intriguingly melodious and philosophically stimulating song!!!

Srshti se pehle kuch nahi tha..Sath bhi nahi Asath bhi nahi..