Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Butterfly effect and assassination attempt of Donald Trump

 There was an assassination attempt of Trump last week and immediately I received several video clips in my whatsap groups that showed the slow motion of Trumps speech - Head Movement - Gun shot events. Well.. this writing can be boring unless you heard of butterfly effect theory and how it is related here.

My pastime for any lazy day is to run through contents of personal finances and I was watching Americal rappers' riches to rags story on YT. One rapper was saying he never regretted anything out of loss of money because it was butterfly effect that gave him and his family a lot of learning. I had picked 'butterfly' from there.

Back to the assassination attempt video, while Trump was talking about statistics of illegal immigrants, he just turned his head, the very moment the bullet hit his right ear instead of passing through is skull and ending him for ever. The ban on illegal immigrants is one of his election manifestos he worked for or rather tried to implement during his first term. Needless to say, that cause just saved his life for that moment whether it saved any Americal citizen from unlawful illegal immigrant or not. So, it is always good to do things that you are convinced that it is good for long run, no matter how many oppose it. If it doesnt save others, it definitely saves you. I quote this example. A small manifesto line saving a glorious life of like a butterfly tapping its wings creating a tornedo elsewhere!!

I admire Trump as a politician for the reason that reportedly he is one POTUS who had more assets before he became the POTUS than after his 1st term. Also, for another reason for his prophetic clarity of his political view and what he would do being in a prime position - from an interview of his younger days. When money or personal ambitions are not the motive for a one's action or words, you can trust the person on face value!!

One word on the assassin - Assassin, a 20-year-old, visibly with golden hair looked like a White American, named like a White American is so short sighted like a tiger in Indian Reserved Forest that attacks the forest officer who tries to protect him from poachers just of a small fear or for his instant hunger. White Americans will lose their identify, culture and livelihood (freedom) if the liberal policy to illegal immigrants does not stop in few years. It would eventually with legal immigrants also, because demography changes anyway. But this young man is anyway a tiger of the reserved forest for sure.

We have similar such voters in India who are just so shortsighted of their lifetime and quick gains from Congress and left oriented governments that practice minority appeasement. So, there was attempt of assassination for Modi also. 

This short sighted, instant gratification motive for quick gain either in India or US will act as those trivial causes like a small butterfly wing tapped now, eventually creating totally un-expected (or uncalled for) eventualities in near to distant future. 

When future becomes history and only leftists write the history, we will have (or now have) no lessons to learn from the facts.

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