Sunday, June 12, 2011

Upon 36000 feet high

What we see from face to face looks different when we see that from top.. right..?
It looks more different when we see that from up...above and from a height.. What we see..
we see the object.. and its surroundings and as we go up and up and.. we see more and more.. Things look different when we see it from top...rather things ..ARE different when we see from top...sounds like some That's what I was thinking.. upon 36000 ft high..

I travelled to Europe via Dubai recently.. as usual I didn't give up my choice of placing myself besides window...That's something that I don't get enough of it..
What I saw.. I invite you to see that through MY Eyes..!

We live in toy world. Toy sized apartment, narrow lanes for driving toy cars, a stadium as small as that could be placed upon a table...a lake that has only a bucket full of water..a park that is only as small as you can draw the boundary in a chalk piece.. it is getting smaller.. smaller..
as small as it is drawn in a map....or rather.. it is a part of a big map..
The hills or mountains... they don't matter when we see them from a distant height.. size is only a relative term.. It doesn't narrate what is bigger.. a mountain is no mountain.. it is an unfinished work of a lazy sculpture.. with no mending done on unfinished edges..
I see a river.. in fact many rivers ...smaller and larger.. They both have one thing in common.
A river starts from a point.. where no one knows it starts there.. I saw that from top..Even a
river does nt know she is a is such a humble beginning.. A river is made ...with many more water sources joining her.. she gets bigger..broader..larger.. as she grows and flows by..
This is how every river is.. if it is joined by ..she grows.. if it is joined to another.. she loses identity or an identify different than what it used to be..A river path is most unplanned one..
It is a happening...of various natural causes.. cliffs, edges, mountains..
From the top, everything looks unplanned..all due to cause and effect..still ...they only follow some rules.. not knowing that they are rules but sheer option-less choices.

They equate the color of 'hope' is white and brightness..! I know that why?
The far most, distant view from 36000 ft height is the white and bright layer of color (rather colorless?) .. where earth meets sky.. we call that horizon..! I couldn't see anything further...
May be thats why they say.. the ultimate is always bright.. so don't get deterred by the darkness around you..!?

When I was flying on Middle was little different..! The color above the horizon and little below that was, indigo.. or violet..It was evenly spread.. bright layer of white between a violet..looked like heaven.. I wished I could paint that..

Arabian sea..It was a day blessed with clear sky..Gods kept the clouds aside to grace me a good
view below ... The blue..clear water is every where..endless.. just here and there..there were ships..
they looked like small immobile objects from the distant top..A blue sea on a sunny day is no different than a starry night.. It has fishes reflecting the sun light every where..some single and some groups of reflections...Wonder what their size could be be able to be viewed from such a height.. One observation was..they could sense the existence of ships.. I saw the groups of reflections every where but always at a distance from where ever I saw the ships and boats..I guessed it couldn't be coincident.

Another good view in Arabian sea is of green water patches within the blue ocean!! ..
Imagine a light green water color within the dark blue water.. After a while it was my pass-time to find green water spaces within the blue.. it was rare but looked absolutely spectacular.. regretted not being a painter..(rather I know that had I chosen that profession I couldn't have had this view..!!! we don't get to go onsite for painting.!?)

At 36000 ft above the ground, with outside temperature -51 degree, ground temperature may be of 35-40 degree.. eating airline served piping hot rice that is grown far away..listening to Ghazals from 1980s ... is just normal. Could any one imagined this 150 year ago.. Wouldn't it be like a cock and bull story..

There is Dubai shore down..there.. scorching sun..dry land..sandy ..dusty..rocky..lifeless... with uber broad and well laid free ways..! It is a challenge to nature.. to tame the such an extreme terrain and create a human habitat out there..! For my mind it was scary to imagine living there myself.. What if A/C fails for a month..? No water supply..? How sustainable is a man made paradise? That is the power of desire..! A strong desire is unfazed by challenges..! An example.
Is that why Arabs are strong people.. nature made them tough with challenges.. basics are not easily provided by the nature..
But my first learning enlightens me again.. It is only the view from top.. The same thing has another view....face to face at the ground..too..! and that could be different...I have come to where I have started..!
(I am on hunt for a technology to transfer the visual memories. Till then I try to do that with blogs..happy reading)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

On becoming wise or something

My tryst with management consultants is not new or not rare.
I wish I am.

Businesses invite them, tell everything about the business, pay them hefty money and get back a thought of what would have known, in beautiful jargon and later state 'this was known..old wine in new bottle... only was not too sure of design of new bottle..!

But most of them are good and justify their role..I have always been inspired by few..
Vibhakar, Nehruji, Pratima, Marla.. list is long..

One of them said.. this interesting one.. try.

At every point of life for a while in the surroundings...
  • Stop
  • Observe
  • Think
  • Internalize
become wise ...

May be this one I assume;
  • Observe
  • Think
  • Internalize + Act
become a leader..
  • Stop
  • Observe
  • Think
  • Internalize + Utilize ...
become a successful dealer(businessman)..!!!

man with a dream & life with a purpose

We chase our dreams and be happy when it is realized.
What happens when we dont realize dreams? We are unhappy..
Strangely though.. sometimes we are unhappy on not realizing the dreams.. even having exceeded it!!!

There was a man who had a donkey. He had the donkey for his daily travels and for transporting things. He was always dreaming of owning a bullock cart with two bullocks on it. He fantasized everyday how he would live when he owns the cart. He simulated the bullock cart ride on his donkey and hoped for one day to realize it on his own bullock cart. He could never buy one and days were passing. One day on his way he had to cross a water body and his donkey was good enough to do that. At the same time there was a Noble man with a luxury Tanga trying to cross the same water body. His Tanga was so luxurious that it was not fit to cross the water. The Noble man, desperate to reach his destination offered to exchange the Tanga for the donkey and the deal happened. The man tried a long route with his new possession of Tanga and proceeded further. The Tanga was faster and comfortable. Man proceeded along and stopped by a Governor on the way. Governor wanted an open roof vehicle for a formal city visit. He pledged his car with the man for his Tanga. The deal happened. The Governor's men lost the Tanga after the city visit & man retained his pledged possession. He drove the car further and offered transport to few people for some money for the fuel. He saved few money and went on to buy more cars for hire and became rich. ...
and one day someone asked him.. what was his unrealized dream..!
...He regretfully expressed his dream to own that bullock cart & to try those riding skills that he fantasized with his donkey..!!!!!

Life without a purpose and life without dreams couldn't be exciting.
Sometime we exceed our dreams and live a reality beyond that.
Still...if didn't dream them... it is that 'bullock cart' that lingers on ..!

Disclaimers & making best of the business

"insurance is the subject matter of solicitation"
"Mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read the offer document before investing"
"Smoking is injurious to health"

Noticed the above disclaimers.? Yes.. you we did..
Did we think about it..? No we didn't
Reason: All the above are the disclaimers belonging to industries running with roaring businesses!! And they are not just businesses but a phenomena passed the test of time..

Disclaimers hedge the business against the risk of non-disclosure.
How does the customer hedge the risk? A rationale, analysis, thoughtfulness, reason and a limit - all before going for any of the above...! Else learn the lesson a hard way.. like any one of these.... insurer with rejected claims investor with dud fund units
......a smoking addict ..

(with strictly tongue in the cheek.. going for every Jeevan Surabhi, Jeevan this,..Jevan that... blindly ...)

Another Commercial catchy slogan

Not really a Cricket fan though I couldn't escape the Worldcup mania. Especially the last two matches. Betting bookies or match fixing a million dollar game (literally) was so exciting to pump some adrenaline!! Hey this game is making a billion people tele-addicts & lazy in the mean time blesses with exponential hike in the bank balances for a privileged few..!!

Since I have a special interest in the commercials I do a keen observation of theme than the product they endorse! This one is Nike this time. JUST DO IT..
... Isn't it so these words are indicative of some attitude..
...They are helping building one..
...or they are snobbish to proclaim for those who have that attitude
...Make your decision, take your actions.. Just do it..
...Damn care what may happen...just do it...
...Spend less time thinking, worrying, analyzing.. Just do it..
... May be an elderly generation frowns that it is so Just do it..
....Whatever ..damn.. an intrinsic desire fired to belong.. to the group of those who believed to.... Just do it..