Friday, October 2, 2015

Dissecting Nirguna Definition

In the shlokas or Bhagavadgita or Lalita Sahasranamam we can often find mention of 'trigunas'. Now I will go in details about this. Guna in Sanskrit means trait. There are three. Sathva (truth, honesty, softness), Rajas (ego, power, aggression, manipulation, tact) and Tamas (evil, cruelty, horror).
Amongst the three, 'Sathva'or 'Sathya' is most revered!!! Our national symbol endorses 'Sathyam eva jayathe' (!!!!???)

In the mythical texts and verses we often find that GOD defined as Nirguna. That means GOD has none of the 'gunas' or  has all the three!!! The Goddess is defined as 'guna ateeta' and 'nirguna' and 'thriguna athmika'. Meaning Goddess is beyond these three traits, she is not attached to three traits and she contains these three traits..!!! Complicated isn't it? As we normally perceive, sathva is most favored guna of the God, verses should have called GOD as Sathva Guna Bhagavan! It is not so.

Guna's are 3 kinds of energies and they formed along with nature. These are tools of supernatural power and managed with balance and equilibrium of all the three!

Our general understanding is 'truth prevails in the end'!. It is not true. Who has seen the end? When one guna revers to its extreme, it becomes its own weakness and gets killed by other Gunas!!! For example: Let us take sathva. If extremity of sathva, without tact makes it too mild/weak and it easily gets manipulated by Rajas and Tamas. ex: harmless, nonaggressive deers get killed by Tiger (aggression and tact).
ex Rajas: When extremity of ego, aggression and manipulation reaches, it gets declined with a smallest weak link. ex: A small wound on tiger gets infected by flies and it dies a long, painful journey to death. 

So extremity of any guna leads to its own death or downfall. But gunas never die. They only get subdued. Thats why our verses defined God as Nirguna Bhagavan! Therefore, the learning for humans is to not to allow the development of any guna to its extremity!!!! So no guna is superior or inferior. The growth of a guna to its extreme makes it more weak than strong!!!

Creator of these tools (gunas) is not the tool himself, not attached to them, he contains them and uses when needed. Hence the definition of nirguna, thrigunatmika and guna ateeta!

Nirakara, Nispruha, Nirguna Ithi Bhagavantah!.. God is shapeless, detached and a-trait!

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