Friday, October 2, 2015

Mantra Pushpam - Praise of Nature!!!

Yopam pushpam Veda...!! Pushpavan prajavan pashuman bhavathi..!
Agnirva apahm ayatanam...!
Vayurva apahm ayatanam..!
Aapohvai vayo rayatanam..!
Yah evam veda..! yo upam ayatanam veda...ayatanavan bhavathi!!!

Agni (fire), Vayu(gases/air), Aapah (water), Pathah (motion/movement), Chandramasah (planet), parjanya(particle cloud),
nakshathra (star), samathsara (time)

My husband sent me an audio clip of Mantrapushpam recently. It was circulating in whatsapp groups.
It triggered an interest in me to write about it in this blog. Because I would have heard mantrapushpam over 100 times since I was young. Every Vedik puja at home concluded with it. Thanks to whatsapp... It is reaching those who could not otherwise heard it..!

When you hear this chanting it creates some kind of vibration. For a neutral mind, it is positive vibration. I dont know otherwise. This mantra has no GOD's reference. It simply praises the nature and nature's elements. If it has no religious reference, why do we conclude Vedik rituals with this? For creating positive vibrations!!! It also says, the one who knows (yah evam veda), upam ayatanam (this knowledge?) veda (knows), acquires that ..Knowledge( ayatanavan bhavathi).!!!

So, what is that knowledge? It is about elements of universe. Here is my interpretation of Mantrapushpam..!
Fire creates gas(air?), from gas the water, from water the movement (magnetic field?), from movement the particles, from particles the planet and stars, and these consistent changes create definition of time..(change creates concept of time)!!We also know that water and movements created life.

Now it also says, one who knows this acquires knowledge.! What is that knowledge? How universe is created? In my interpretation, what one knows, s/he can influence it and manipulate it.. or takeover it!
So if I  know how to create massive fire, it creates a big bang, water, gases, collision of particles, attracted particles become planets, due to their weight they start slowly moving (circulating) creating a galaxy..!!!??? If I created it, I own it..!!!

Well,, mantrapushpam compares universe to lotus. Lotus is multi layered, has a centre and connected to centre with support of a stem and it floats on the water..! I could not connect similarity of universe to lotus.
I recall a budhist chant.. Aum mani padme aham! .... I am the lotus..! If universe is like lotus....I am a small part of that universe...a part of infinite energy..So is everything.. every one..a part of energy!..
Feels intriguing, isn't it?

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