Sunday, February 28, 2010

The cost of independence

I suppress my real self from my blog, just for being non-controversial, not so judgemental and not being ignorantly opinionated. There is a latent fear or discomfort for being disliked in person instead for the words, hated personally in place of expressions or just to keep some part of persona an enigma! Often, the disagreement with opinion ends up with disagreement for the person's self in general!

The cost of independence to India are many lives of those extremist freedom fighters and the awareness and spirits of moderate freedom movement participants (I can't call them fighters as they never did it for independence!).

But their efforts gave an independent state with huge amount of money and military to a set of people (You know..who). This is a biggest loss on negotiation however honest the efforts and struggle for freedom! The heart rendering loss of lives of a set of people ended up in providing an independent state to another who never shared the same frequency in terms of values, spirits and unity.

The slogans of unity in diversity are brain wash to broad minded ones, the so called 'secular' statements may never convince an insecure, but win elections, at the end of the day be realistic and don't die for a country with diversity! You and your life is lost in the history of 1 day's airtime of 24/7 news channels and some pre-scripted condolence message by a local/national politician, which doesn't replenish the happiness of your family not set a martyr's due to be settled by coming generations! It just goes a worthless life!

Being patriotic should also mean being realistic in terms of our thoughts and actions. We need to keep our values alive, up keep the right against wrong, the merit against evil and solidarity against hypocrisy and let the generations move on! After all revolutions repeat, history repeats.. some times bringing good in place of evil..

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