Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Art of Execution

An idea or strategy may originate from one brain or bunch of them. The execution requires many hands and brains and often combination of both. When I was working as an executive in a company, I displayed a quotation "action is more important than idea" on my desk. I had so much of priority on the sequence of activities, tasks that were needed to be carried out to get that one idea came from management. In the process, I had ignored the existence of a number of smaller ideas that are laid down to get the best of each individual task.
A whole is sum of parts and each part is important. The ideas become 'great ideas' after they conclude with magical results.
-What are the tasks?
-Are there better, easier, time efficient alternatives to these tasks?
-Very importantly, don't forget 'any' task.

The 'being', 'nirguna' in the infinite hallowness

The Hindu philosophy explains God as the 'nirguna' (detached from being good or evil). This equanimity is difficult achieve for common in the daily life. The normal inclination is to the coherent values or convenience of the situation from either of the two.
These traits exhibit their full power in alternatives and go subdued like a cyclical process. I believed this as the nearest explanation to the 'trait of God' since my teenage, which strengthened after I read about 'Yin and Yang' philosophy of ancient China. Every Yin has Yang in it and Yang has some Yin and both co exist in the different intensities with an equal amount of the other at their alternative cycles !!! The law of traits has not been explained like this..(picturized!!) in any other culture, the way this one (to so far my reading goes)..!!

Does that mean the traits are of two types? Traits are 'no traits' but intertwined, concurrently existing, void of one another!!! Identify the Yin and Yang in every thing..and what an equilibrium.. that is..!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The next big - small thing in IT services

The product placement in IT industry is quite a difficult job until the significant, right kind of market is captured. After the successful product placement, the next stages of operations and revenue generations are considerably easier for the company. The enhancements follow with each release every year or twice a year with value addition on the product or bug fixing activities. Some of the IT companies focus on development and enhancement of the product and outsource the placement and implementation.
The nature of IT products are so dynamic that the client will have to decide on the life cycle of the product, which is relatively short. The ROI could not be decided as the write off period is short . The changes in the technology are very fast and the source companies stop the support after certain period and innovate on new product development. This is necessary strategy for revenue management as well as the market/technology dynamics due to long gestation period and short span for ROI.
Now let us think of a client who has invested in the product and tends to write off the cost of product after long term, where the target IT expenditure (inclusive of both IT infrastructure and application) is 1.5% - 2% of their total budget. Write off at a short term is costly affair for small companies.
This opens a fairly greater chance of IT application support businesses to extend the service on AMCs for small and medium companies which can sustain the product even after the product life cycle is completed. These IT companies can negotiate with the product provider for the source code, technology copy write, know how and work on a service contract for small and medium enterprises as a mutually beneficial model. This is an area where large service providers could not sustain either with the services or capture the same market for their latest releases.
As more and more businesses going increasingly IT oriented, there will be largely untapped opportunities await the service providers.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

CSR & Business with principles & dignity of employee

A masseuse with 19 years of service at Hotel ITC Windsor came up in media on
her helplessness in being forced by management to do something that is not part of her job, something that is against the her will and conscience & value.
Thanks to the years of experience in the corporate atmosphere, she came up with all the proof of her escalations, giving no chance for benefit of doubt to the management's likely claim of cooked up stories.

Recently we hear so much about the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of MNCs and big corporate entities. These are not charity activities. Every CSR move by the company has a long term goodwill development motive or an indirect or remote proximity to the area of company's business or an expected, desired change in the society that involves the customer or employees or any of its stakeholders.

Is CSR necessary ? Instead, can businesses run with some principles? Many MNCs do. ex: Infosys, MCC and many other. They keep compliance & business ethics rules in place and spend much of training man hours on training on the same. They take top priority service attention to legal requirement if that demands.
The adherence to the well laid business principles of the companies indicate their responsibility to the society and not only the CSR activities. This promotes a feel good factor with the stakeholders and society. Is it in the capacities of this kind of companies to spread their way of business to others? Why not? Say, by not availing the services of such businesses (like ITC in this case) that are insensitive to the dignity of a loyal employee of 19 years..? A small and no-compromise principles like these spread a large amount of change in the society and good will. After all it could be another side of a capitalist who cares for the society. The organisation that operates in multi-environment is reality. Isn't the 'social environment' a vital one? A small principle..and big positive change to society..?

Companies are not quarantined entities right?..

Monday, January 11, 2010

The people who live my dreams..!

A fortune 500 multinational, American Company with world wide presence..Pepsico Incorporated..! What takes to be the chairman and CEO of a company like this at the age of 43.! We should ask that to Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi..!
The right qualification? relevant experience? opportunities? luck? learn-ability?
There could have been dozen dozens of candidates awaiting with eligibility.! It takes the guts, will power, people management skills, diplomacy, alertness, knowledge, decision making skills and market sensibility, hard work, innovation, to know how to play the cards well in the game of strategy and more than any thing, it is the perpetual success in proving the net worth of self and that of the decision taken by self.. to grow in an organisation beyond gender, ethnicity, nationality and the like...!
There should be something very special about a person with disadvantages more than the advantages, to reach the infinity! The subtle diplomatic cold wars in proving the other person wrong on the centers of board rooms and corners of cozy restaurants, the differentiations of public and private equations and networking with the 'right' and 'the not so right' kind of 'important' and the imporatant persons, to have the trust of great number of 'weighted' fellow beings in the corporate jungle.. and to rise like a phoenix after being torn into ashes after innumerable corporate battles..with no God father, legacy, back ground, wealth or power..! An enigma...with the speed of thought ...

Even to dream this growth in the corporate career takes a courage..! I have a belief that, those who displayed a courage and attained a good success in building the corporations could not have made it to substantial level in the corporations built by others..! The Narayana Murthy, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Azim Premji..and many others who built those largest corporations in their industry; Could they have convinced the rest and attained to top in the organisations built by others? ... Definitely not all of them..
... The people who live others dream are not alone as special as Indra Nooyi; but they are special, with the way they lead their life differently and made the mark of themselves..!
Raise a toast, take a bow and standing ovation in the name of those achievers!!
Let there be inspiration..!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The values evaluated, under valued, over valued

Alexander ...became the Alexander the great.. by having a series of killings behind.., so did ChandraGupta Maurya, Ashoka....list goes ..on. They valued their ambition. It was a power hungry battle for survival, a desperate situation invited out of greed.."I kill or else I get killed" ... an insecurity ..invited by that first step taken, with choice or lack of it..gone too far...!
The history is full of the stories, within everything has a clash of values between the two entities. As they say the 'history repeats' so do the the clash of values..!
The values those last and the values faded over time and the values those are intrinsic, the values that are not practiced by self but expected in others..! All of them.
The dying man normally never lies..! If that is true, why did he, earlier?
Why the human beings get back to the great values at the end of their life? or at the end of a ending event? Why the values are an 'understatement' and not active phrases?
When I was a school kid, I remember we had to write a note on 'one good work a day' that we have done. As adult can I practice ' one value a day' ? What difference that could make on my life? I found that the value I tried to nurture, consciously practiced..was growing in my personality a natural form..! It was a good feeling..! Somewhere, to practice some principles is like value addition to a product, being known for something..!
Self branding..with practice of principles...!
Now let us check... what are we known for..?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Cosmic

We live in the 3 dimensional world !! We love to possess all those tangible (length, breadth, height) material things, virtually tangible (name & fame) tags and every thing of Maslow's Need Hierarchy!!
But apart from the 3 D and Non-3 D things, I am aware of some thing that exists, which I call "energy". God has endowed me with a special skill to identify that and I could even differentiate among them some thing called "good energy" and "bad energy"!!!
.. No ..don't be skeptical and discard this as a goof up, crap.!! If you feels so.. don't read further..! Else, read it with an open mind that this is some one's 'experience' and not 'opinion'..!!
The bizarre feelings, the strokes in the heart and somewhere within a mild sensation, eerie ...are those experiences at an energy zone I call as 'bad'
The brightness, the breeze, the kind darkness, delight and an added power within ,, are those experiences at a 'good energy' zone..
These are no subjective feelings of a presupposed mind..! It is an experience of a mind with blank thought and a consciousness open to the reactions of zones into the self-being..! Therefore these interpretations..!!
The nature talks to us in some ways..! Probably, the above is one of them..!
Or at least I believe so..!! The outcome? benefit? ...Nothing..!! May well be developed into '6th" sense!?? What rubbish!? Did you say so? then...

Common sense is for daily life.. 6th sense is for the future..!
Now tell me, could you ignore..!?..

An encounter with EVIL MERIT

Surprised on finding two words together, "evil" and "merit"..!!?
Yes.. that is no mistake. When an evil or malicious entity endowed with any kind of power, superiority, ability or any virtue by which an edge over the rest could be the one..'evil merit'..!
A person, a country, a company, a product.. can be an example.. a wrong person with highest authority, a country with destructive ideologies having International support and nuclear weapons, a company which sells a popular product having harmful raw materials, a teacher with good teaching skills along with biases etc, a skillful surgeon with greed..many more..
An encounter with evil merit is a complicated and tedious situation to deal with. The malicious intentions collide with the good values which by themselves can not succeed over..!
The mythological stories have many examples for evil=merit combinations and Gods' face them and defeat with some tactics. Lord Ram and Baali, Krishna and Kauravas, Godess and deamon, Mohini and Bhasmasur...!!!
It is no easy game to get over with evil-merit. It gives the testing time for the surroundings. It is a longer, painful and time consuming battle. The evil-merit is fought with the right time /right situation by right entity..!
....Keep the fight on..or ignore if possible..But evil-merit is here to stay..!! Find most of evil-merit in our elected politicians and civil workers/bureaucrats!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Racist agonies

The reporter of a famous news channel CNN IBN shouting at high decibel on the murder of an Indian student in Australia...there goes another solid material for the news channels to spend some airtime!!
I don't get judgemental on this incident that is..a crime to be condemned..
However.. we could bring a large change to ourselves by just following few things at places across our National borders..
1. Not staring: A straight observation of someone is considered 'rude' as it is denying his/her privacy
2. Mannerisms: Ask for things, sorry, thanks, polite,no trespassing queues, not talking loud in public/phone, respect time, not littering etc
3. Respect law of the soil, mind public behaviour, take care for public property
4. As much as possible avoid talking to strangers, not being at wrong place @ wrong time and avoid talking that may provoke some argument/hurt feelings/induce a bias etc..
Think of ..a typical rich, spoilt, arrogant student with a management quota seat (!) who throughs up tantrums and group ism at local campuses may well get away with any thing here...but elsewhere ?...
Think of ... any one who becomes a victim of the prejudices created by someone like above ?..
Or it just an insecurity or risk that any one of us carry when we travel at outlandish locations ?..
...What holds good any day any where is that..well behaved..well received..Isn't it?