Thursday, January 28, 2010

The 'being', 'nirguna' in the infinite hallowness

The Hindu philosophy explains God as the 'nirguna' (detached from being good or evil). This equanimity is difficult achieve for common in the daily life. The normal inclination is to the coherent values or convenience of the situation from either of the two.
These traits exhibit their full power in alternatives and go subdued like a cyclical process. I believed this as the nearest explanation to the 'trait of God' since my teenage, which strengthened after I read about 'Yin and Yang' philosophy of ancient China. Every Yin has Yang in it and Yang has some Yin and both co exist in the different intensities with an equal amount of the other at their alternative cycles !!! The law of traits has not been explained like this..(picturized!!) in any other culture, the way this one (to so far my reading goes)..!!

Does that mean the traits are of two types? Traits are 'no traits' but intertwined, concurrently existing, void of one another!!! Identify the Yin and Yang in every thing..and what an equilibrium.. that is..!

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